Top 10 Natural Remedies for Common Ailments and Minor Health Issues


When it comes to minor health problems, sometimes the best solutions can be found in our kitchen cabinets. Nature has blessed us with ingredients that can alleviate various ailments without expensive medications or treatments.

Do not bother your body with allopathic drugs if you have minor health problems like muscle soreness. Read this article to explore some common minor health problems and the simple remedies you can try at home.


Best Remedies for Common Alignments

Home remedies are beneficial and pocket-friendly. They might show the results slowly but benefit health in multiple ways. Here are the best treatments that help in natural alignments. 

1.Green Tea for Arthritis

Green teas have been known for being endlessly helpful in overall well-being. It offers many health benefits, including minimizing the risk of arthritis. The antioxidants in green tea help to protect the joints from inflammation and damage. It can also aid in treating stiff joints and alleviating pain. 

Take your kettle and boil some water in it. Pour the boiling water into the cup and dup a green tea bag. You can also add green tea with a spoon. Please wait for a few minutes until the water changesownish green. You can also add honey and lemon for a more delicious flavor.

2.Oatmeal for Skin Problems 

Next, we have a natural remedy to soothe itchy skin. The oats in this meal have anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties that can help to soothe irritated skin. Oatmeal can also help to reduce swelling and redness.

To use oatmeal for bug bites:

1. Mix one cup of oatmeal with two cups of warm water.

2. Apply the paste to the itching area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

3. Rinse the oatmeal off with warm water and pat the area dry.

3.Honey for Wound Healing

Being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in action, honey has been used for wound healing for centuries. It works by forming a protective layer over the wound, preventing the encounter of damage with foreign infection-causing agents. Additionally, honey can aid in tissue regeneration and promote faster healing.

To use it for wound healing, clean the wound with a soft and clean cloth piece, layer up a thin protective honey barrier, and cover it with a sterile dressing. Remember to seek medical attention for severe wounds.

4.Sugar for Hiccups

Hiccups can be annoying and persistent, but a simple spoonful of sugar may do the trick. The graininess of sugar helps stimulate the vagus nerve, which plays a role in controlling diaphragm contractions responsible for hiccups. Swallowing a teaspoon of sugar and allowing it to dissolve on your tongue can interrupt and relieve the hiccup cycle.

5.Chicken Soup for Cold and Congestion

Soups are traditional remedies for colds and congestion. The chicken broth in the chicken soup helps to loosen mucus and makes it convenient to cough up. The vegetables in the chicken soup also contain nutrients that can help level up the immune system and combat infections.

Simmer chicken, vegetables, and broth in a pot for 30-45 minutes to make chicken soup. You can also add herbs and spices to your soup to taste.


6.Flaxseed for Constipation

Flaxseed is fiber-rich and can help relieve constipation. Its soluble fibers soften stool and make it easier to pass. To use flaxseed for constipation, you can grind them into a powder and add it to food or drinks. You can also take flaxseed capsules. The recommended dose of flaxseed for constipation is 1-2 tablespoons per day.

7.Ginger as an Antiemetic

Ginger is a natural remedy used for multiple health benefits. It works by stimulating the production of saliva and gastric juices, which can help to settle the stomach. Ginger can also help reduce inflammation, contributing to nausea and vomiting.

To use ginger as an antiemetic, you can chew on fresh ginger root, drink ginger tea, or take ginger capsules. The recommended dose of ginger is 1 gram per day.

8.Resolve Acid Reflux with Apple Cider

This is a natural remedy that can help to reduce acid production in the stomach. It regulates the stomach's pH levels and can help strengthen the esophageal sphincter. This can help to prevent acidity from backing up into the stomach, causing heartburn.

To relieve acid refluxes with apple cider, mix one teaspoon of apple cider in a glass of water. Drink in the morning or before the meal. Capsules featuring apple cider vinegar are also an option. 

9.Arnica for Sore Muscles

Sore muscles can occur after intense workouts or physical exertion. You can use Arnica gel, cream, ointment, etc., to soothe physical exertion, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. For using it, simply Arnica is massaged gently on the affected area. However, you should not apply it to the broken skin. 

10.Curcumin for Joint Pains

Joint pains, often caused by conditions like arthritis, can significantly impact one's quality of life. Curcumin exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This active compound is found in turmeric and can effectively alleviate joint pain. You can benefit from its advantages by including it in your diet, supplements, or more. 


Nature has provided many remedies for minor health problems in our kitchens and gardens. Ginger can calm nausea; apple cider vinegar can alleviate acid reflux. These natural remedies have been used for generations and are worth considering as alternatives or complements to conventional treatments.